Monts Et Terroirs Comte Wheel

Packaging: 1KG PC

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Monts Et Terroirs Comte Wheel (Non-stock Item)

Selected by Classic Fine Foods offers a range of products to answer the local needs of its customers for essential and affordable products while answering the new market trends. They strive to bring chefs new solutions at a reasonable price, without compromising on quality.

Monts Et Terroirs Comte Wheel is a 'Protected Designation of Origin' (PDO) cheese produced in the Jura Massif region of Eastern France. The unpasteurised cow's milk used is mainly from Montbeliarde Cattle or French Simmental (or crossbreeds of the two).

Monts Et Terroirs Comte Wheel is a hard mountain cheese that is matured to perfection for at least 12 months in the silence and darkness of special caves where the cheese gets its unique taste, texture and colour.

Allergens: Milk


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