Petit Pont L'Eveque PDO

Packaging: 6 X 220G PC

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Petit Pont L'Eveque PDO (Non-Stock Item)

As the most awarded dairy company in France its no surprise that Isigny Sainte-Mère's are world famous and an approved PDO site. Combining traditional know-how and the ideal pastures of Normandy they have won over 300 medals.

Petit Pont L'Eveque PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) is French square cheese made only from raw Isigny milk from Normandy. It is smooth and velvety cheese with slightly sour notes and an fragrant rind that develops an orange-red colour as it matures.

Petit Pont L'Eveque PDO is the perfect addition to a French cheese board.

Allergens: Milk


Data sheet


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