• Pectin NH Nappage

Pectin NH Nappage

Packaging: 1KG TUB

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Pectin NH Nappage is a gelling agent that gives a thermoreversible gel that is used to create the perfect consistency in fillings and pastry toppings. (Stock Item)

Pectin NH Nappage creates a thermoreversible gel. It can be melted or set again through heating, without affecting quality and the fruit firmness Pectin NH Nappage is ideal for creating the a great texture for fillings and pastry toppings with undiluted fruits and is great for coating fruit pulp.

Chef's tp: Use 10g per kg of weight for optimal results.  

Directions for use: Pre-mix Pectin NH Nappage with 5 to 8 times its weight of sugar or other powdered ingredients. Add to water and mix very well avoid lumps. Full dissolution is obtained after 15 minutes.

With a century of experience creating premium products, Louis Francois is a leader in speciality and technical baking ingredients. Focused on innovation and precision, the company create products that are essential to all pastry chefs.

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EU Origin

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